Vachana Pitamaha Dr P. G. Halakatti
A towering literary figure, Senior Politician, Educationist and a Social reformer

M. Rajsekara Murthy
Former Finance Minister, Industries Minister, Revenue Minister Govt. of Karnataka , Union Minister for Surface Transport, Five-term member of The Parliament
Pavithra Halkatti
Pavithra Halkatti was born in Bangalore and completed her education with a BA LLB degree from Bangalore University.
Pavithra Halkatti is a businesswoman, Lawyer, Educationist, Social entrepreneur & Philanthropist.
Pavithra Halkatti is inspired by the achievements of her forefathers Dr P.G Halkatti and Shri M. Rajsekara Murthy. It is her focus & objective to carry forward the legacy.
Have done community development and charitable work under the aegis of PG Halakatti Foundation and the Rajasekara Murthy Memorial Foundation
I am running an Educational institution in Bijapur
I am propagating many libraries in rural areas of Karnataka to raise the education standards of villages; these libraries have computers


I would like to create awareness on the importance of education because the future of our children depends on the education they receive today; I believe ‘better education leads to better employment opportunities’
Since education is the building block of any society I would like to improve the quality of education and employment opportunities in our country, in a very objective and tangible way, backed by statistics and data
I would like to support children education; more specifically education of the Girl Child

I have plans to conduct Rural Health Camps

Women’s Empowerment
I would like to create the necessary awareness and education opportunities since women’s empowerment starts with education
I would like to encourage financial independence of women through innovative methods so that they may be self-sufficient
I would like to provide social welfare and social security schemes to underprivileged communities, on par with developed nations